I started a garden yesterday. Well, I planted my baby seeds in an egg carton. I only had enough room for 30 seeds, so I planted carrots and cucumbers. I'm hoping to plant more soon. I'm not sure how this 'experiment' is going to go. As bad as I am in the kitchen arena...I'm even worse at gardening. I planted some seeds last year and seriously treated those seeds like they were my babies...watered them every day, set them by the window to get sun...they were my little pretties. Then, they got knocked over one day. My beautiful babies! These tomatoes were about an inch tall, so I tried to save what I could and took them outside and planted them. My one-inch tall seedlings then died. It was a sad day. My grandma thinks maybe I moved them outside too early. I also know they're in a plot that gets a lot of shade {but that's where my brother-in-law put the plot and since he spent a LOT of time on it...I don't have the heart to ask him to move it!}...so we had absolutely no garden last year. I'm trying again...we'll see how this goes. Wish me luck!
Also, I started a fitness bootcamp yesterday. I only get 8 classes worth during the month {groupon deal} so it's not a ton of time...but 8 is better than nothing, right?! I can barely move today...it's ridiculous! But I'm hoping this well really help with this 'plateau' I have found myself on!
I've also noticed that I'm feeling a lot better lately. Maybe it's all in my mind...I don't know, but I've felt 'healthier, fresher, and lighter' since I've started this vegetarian thing. Maybe there is something to not eating meat. I considered trying the Paleo diet as I've heard a lot of good things about it {but this diet is the EXACT opposite of what I'm doing now - the main staple is meat in that diet!} The key to the paleo diet is that they want you to eat all grass-fed, cage-free meats...and unfortunately, I'm not sure my budget can afford that...so if I were to try this diet, it would probably be on regular store-bought meats and I'm not sure that's a good idea...so we'll have to see.
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