Thursday, March 1, 2012

{The interogativity of it all}

 Just me. :)

During the month of March, I have decided to not eat meat of any kind {with the exception of tuna}. According to Wikipedia, this is called a "Pescatarian." I could probably use the term "vegetarian" to describe what I'm doing and get away with it {because it seems to be a VERY broad term}; however, it's generally understood to be no meat/dairy and that's not the case for myself. I have no intention of giving up dairy products {can't help myself - I love them}, but I am going to try and *minimize* my consumption of them, at least.
My original plan was to just forego the meat...but after spending a week with my *very* health-conscious sister, I decided to attempt going more 'healthy' as well. What do I mean by this? Well, in short, eating more all-natural and organic products {to minimize the amount of preservatives and chemicals that I ingest} and eat way more items that are good for my health such as fruits/vegetables/salad. 

I don't think there's a short answer as to why I'm doing it - other than, "because I want to"...but every time I try that one, I get blank stares {or rather, stares that suggest the listener is thinking, "you're an idiot."} 
So to try and easily/quickly explain it: 
  • I have heard/read there are health benefits to foregoing meat. According to Mayo Clinic, "A plant-based diet, which emphasizes fruits and vegetables, grains, beans and legumes, and nuts, is rich in fiber, vitamins and other nutrients. And people who eat only plant-based foods — aka vegetarians — generally eat fewer calories and less fat, weigh less, and have a lower risk of heart disease than nonvegetarians do."
  • I fully believe that the processing system of/for our food today is ATROCIOUS to our health {all the hormones, chemicals, preservatives added in, etc.} I have had many arguments over this belief and, frankly, don't care what you think. ;) I've done two research papers {specifically on the topic of milk and its negative affect on our bodies}, so I've done my fair share of research. While my papers mainly covered milk {most specifically, the added hormones -rBGH}, these same hormones are found in the meats we eat...hence, I'm giving it up {for a month}. I also believe there are many chemicals and preservatives that will lead to health issues later in life. I'm not a scientist - I have no proof of this whatsoever - but I've read a lot on the subject and believe what I've read to date. So I'm going to try and minimize the amount of those products I put in my body. Does this mean I won't be eating any chemicals/preservatives? Heck no. I'd love to buy cattle fed beef and all organic products...but I'm living on a probably-less-than-yours I'm just going to work with what I can. :)
  • I had a friend that tried going vegan for a month...and I'd have to say she's the original inspiration for this; however, I have no desire to give up tuna {eat about a can a day, true story} and/or dairy products {as mentioned, I love them!}, so I had to tweak the plan to suit me. 
  • I started trying to lose weight about 6 months ago and have done GREAT {20 pounds!!}...but recently, I've hit a plateau. I signed up for a fitness boot camp this month and found myself thinking that altering my diet {which is something I haven't really done} would also help me get over this speed I'm doing both this month. If I haven't lost weight by the end of this month, I might murder someone. {totally just kidding}
This is pretty much explained in the "why"...but in short, I'm giving up meat and as many chemicals/preservatives as I can. I will be home-making the things that I can {such as coffee creamer and vanilla extract - and anything else I can make from home rather than buying from the store}. 


Anonymous said...

Mike and I did this a few months ago! We had a 30-day vegetarian challenge. Now, meat is just a small portion of our diet instead of the centerpiece. We are always trying new things. I recently made these lasagna roll-ups.

If you've never had tofu, don't knock it! I love tofu and it tastes like whatever you cook it with. :) You can check out our food adventures here.

Anna said...

Thanks for that recipe, Tiffany! I have had tofu only once in my life and wasn't a huge fan {but that could also just be because of the way it was prepared}. I'll have to give that recipe a shot! And I'll definitely be checking out your blog! :)

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